Game-Based Learning Strategy to Enhance Speaking Skills in Students of Third Baccalaureate Estrategia de Aprendizaje Basada en Juego para Mejorar la Habilidad de Habla en Estudiantes de Tercero Bachillerato

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Nelly Gabriela Chacua Arcos
Carmen Yolanda Torres Zhigue
Fernando Patricio Riera Hermida


This study investigates the implementation of game-based learning strategies to enhance speaking skills in EFL learners from a third baccalaureate from a rural institution in Santo Domingo, Ecuador. It aims to implement and observe the effects of game-based learning strategies to engage learners in a fun and enjoyable English class. The participants were students from 17-18 years old. Besides, various online and traditional games were applied in the class. The students' English level is A1.2. The data was collected with two instruments a pre-survey and post-survey, and a pre-test and post-test to evidence the change in their level. In this process, students were asked to answer some questions and in the second activity, they prepared a role play ordering food in a restaurant. The result of this procedure was that the participants acquired more vocabulary, and improved their grammar, pronunciation, and fluency when speaking English. Moreover, they felt more motivated to participate in speaking activities in class.


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How to Cite
Chacua Arcos, N. G., Torres Zhigue, C. Y., & Riera Hermida, F. P. (2024). Game-Based Learning Strategy to Enhance Speaking Skills in Students of Third Baccalaureate: Estrategia de Aprendizaje Basada en Juego para Mejorar la Habilidad de Habla en Estudiantes de Tercero Bachillerato. Boletín Científico Ideas Y Voces, 4(2), Pág. 215–244.